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Metal Industry

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39深圳市本征方程石墨烯技术股份有限公司_副本                        40深圳市中金岭南有色金属股份有限公司_副本

Nitrogen Generators

Heat Treatment: Nitrogen is used to create inert atmospheres in processes like annealing, hardening, and tempering, preventing oxidation and maintaining the properties of metals.

Blanketing and Purging: Nitrogen is used to purge oxygen and moisture from metal processing equipment and storage tanks, reducing the risk of oxidation and contamination.

Laser Cutting: Nitrogen assists in high-precision laser cutting of metals by preventing oxidation of the cut edges, resulting in cleaner cuts and better quality finishes.

Welding: Nitrogen is used as a shielding gas in some welding processes, protecting the weld area from atmospheric gases that can cause defects.

Metal Powder Production: In additive manufacturing (3D printing) and other powder metallurgy processes, nitrogen is used to create inert atmospheres for the production and processing of metal powders.


Oxygen Generators

Steel Production: Oxygen is used in the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) process to refine molten iron into steel by reducing carbon content and removing impurities.

Cutting and Welding: Oxygen is used in oxy-fuel cutting and welding processes, providing the necessary high temperatures to melt and cut metals efficiently.

Plasma Cutting: Oxygen is used as a plasma gas in plasma cutting systems, which is effective for cutting thick and high-strength steels.

Combustion Processes: Oxygen enrichment in combustion processes improves the efficiency and output of metal melting and refining furnaces.

Metal Surface Treatment: Oxygen is used in various surface treatment processes, such as oxidation and coating, to enhance the properties and appearance of metal products.

These applications highlight the critical roles that nitrogen and oxygen play in improving the efficiency, quality, and safety of metal industry processes.

Post time: Jul-28-2021